People s Educational Supply

People s Educational Supply

Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is FALSE, cross out the word(s) that make the statement incorrect and write the word(s) that will make the statement true. (2 points each) 1.Stability will ultimately lead to sustainability. 2.Educating individuals about the importance and benefits of having secure, balanced, and enduring ecosystems will make the implementation of environment-focused policies and plans much easier. 3.Securing a constant supply of food for the consumption of people is not a necessity for nations because it is easy to import products to fulfil the needs of the people which the government cannot provide. 4.While relatively poor countries can benefit from international trade by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter will be pressured to increase food production capabilities. 5.Food shortage is also plaguing urban sectors especially in countries that don’t experience internal conflicts. 6.Global warming poses a threat to the global supply of food as well as to human health 7.The food justice movement argues that the focus solely on food security, without addressing the production of food, has caused poor, food-insecure countries to import cheap, subsidized food to the detriment of their local farmers, economies, and cultures, thus adversely affecting long-term and sustainably food security. 8.The governments’ policies and strategies must involve environmental concerns in order to achieve stability. 9.The environment will benefit a lot when the environmental and ecological considerations are given serious and substantial consideration. 10While relatively poor countries can benefit from international trade by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter will be pressured to increase food production capabilities.​

Daftar Isi

1. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is FALSE, cross out the word(s) that make the statement incorrect and write the word(s) that will make the statement true. (2 points each) 1.Stability will ultimately lead to sustainability. 2.Educating individuals about the importance and benefits of having secure, balanced, and enduring ecosystems will make the implementation of environment-focused policies and plans much easier. 3.Securing a constant supply of food for the consumption of people is not a necessity for nations because it is easy to import products to fulfil the needs of the people which the government cannot provide. 4.While relatively poor countries can benefit from international trade by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter will be pressured to increase food production capabilities. 5.Food shortage is also plaguing urban sectors especially in countries that don’t experience internal conflicts. 6.Global warming poses a threat to the global supply of food as well as to human health 7.The food justice movement argues that the focus solely on food security, without addressing the production of food, has caused poor, food-insecure countries to import cheap, subsidized food to the detriment of their local farmers, economies, and cultures, thus adversely affecting long-term and sustainably food security. 8.The governments’ policies and strategies must involve environmental concerns in order to achieve stability. 9.The environment will benefit a lot when the environmental and ecological considerations are given serious and substantial consideration. 10While relatively poor countries can benefit from international trade by receiving subsidies from rich countries, the latter will be pressured to increase food production capabilities.​

True yessir especially in other countries food shortage

2. According to Boon et al. (2020), the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the global economy in three ways: 1) factory closures, service sector cutbacks, and disruptions in the global supply; 2) significant drops in travel and tourism, education, and other entertainment services will affect demand; 3) increased uncertainty will result in a rise in opportunity cost of investment.(Rice Corp. Org,2020),Wren-Lewis, S. (2020). The economic effects of a pandemic. In: Economics in the Time of COVID-19 London, UK: CEPR Press. Retrieved June 11, 2020,Boon, L. Haugh. D., Pain, N., & Salins, V. (2020). Tracking the fallout from COVID-19. Economics in the Time of COVID-19. London, UK; CEPR Press. Retrieved July 7, (2020),Local LiteratureRq first inhabitants. Rice, however, played an essential role in human history or both then and now. Rice is unlikely to become less significant in the lives and cultures of those who rely on it in the future. The business industry is said to be the society's backbone,according to Dr. Steve S. Guansi (2018). Its a place where people come to learn and grow contributes to people's socioeconomic development and long-term viability. The small in particular small and medium-sized businesses play an important role in improving people's lives, particularly in meeting there ongoing needs and wants. In the case of development countries like the Philippines, the Government is devoting attention to the promotion and development of small and medium enterprises for building up a local production structure, promoting economic growth, creating employment and generating income.Rice Matters. (2011), History of riceDr. Steves S. Guansi, (2018), Rice Wholesale and Retailing Business in Atok, Benguet, Philippines: An Assessment of Viability. Paki summary pooo​


I don't know


because of the gravity of the eay

3. PERSUASIVE ESSAY Convention or Modernization? With the tragic accident in August 3, 2019 that claimed 31 Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Department of Transportatio at fully implementing the law which provides the use of the moder that can battle rough seas and withstand strong winds especially c weathers, The Presidential Decree No. 474, Executive Order No. 12 Republic Act No. 9295 and its revised/amended Implemen Regulations, and the Manila Statement on Enhancement of the Carrying Passengers on Non-International Voyages through MARIE Circular No. 2016-02 provides the implementing rules on the pha hulled ships carrying passengers in domestic shipping. However, it is very untimely to replace the wooden-hulled boats wi and steel-hulled ones. First, the pandemic if still too far from ove have lost their jobs because of this; much more the crews of the boats that were not allowed to sail again at the onset of 2021. Ther simply rely at whenever these boats set sail and traverse the Iloilo- this has been their only bread and butter for decades and with operation, it will surely post a big impact as to their daily survival ev needs and worst, the education of their children. It must have been operators, crews and their respective families to lose their source of l pandemic. Second, the phasing out of the wooden-hulled units was so ab posted another problem affecting another set of people; the commu business folks situated at the wharf area and the tricycle dr government has not provided emergency ambulant boats to cate passengers; mostly to work and for education, that will be affecte stoppage of operations of the wooden-hulled units. Long hours were with only four modernized boats plying the Iloilo-Guimaras Strait p of passengers coming in and going out of the province. Additionally, with this turn of events, surely, the local ec affected. Small businesses is directly affected by the increase in fare stocks and supplies from the city going to the province as compared w hulled transport services. Also, daily commuters earning a minimur bigger amount for fare than before; the thirty pesos before is now fift have to travel to and fro on a daily basis, that's at least a hundred b in a week! That's something already for them. Lastly, how sure are we that with the modernized fiberglass a units, there will never be a tragedy at sea? Can we really say that be?1.) were you convince that essay? in what way?2.)cite sentence /s were the writer uses emotionally appeal 3.) give reasons why the persuasive writing technique was used by accomplishing the diagram reason1.2.3.​

1. To evoke empathy towards the crews and operators of the wooden-hulled boats who will lose their jobs and livelihood if the law is fully implemented.

2. To appeal to the readers' sense of practicality by pointing out the negative impact of the law on the local economy and the daily lives of the commuters.

3. To raise doubt about the safety of modern and steel-hulled boats and to question the effectiveness of the law in preventing maritime accidents.

4. TRead carefully and answer the questions below. Write the letter of your correct answer. (Answer only.)_____1. It relates between the time it takes to dig a well and install a water pump to supply the house with water and the number of people need to build it. What types of proportion is being portrayed? a. combined b. direct c. inverse d. partitive _____2. What type of proportion is involve when the total amount is distributed into two or more equal or unequal parts which is proportional to the given ratio? a. combined proportionb. direct proportion c. inverse proportion d. partitive proportion _____3. What type of proportion is involve when one quantity (x) increases, the other quantity (y) increases or vice versa? a. jointb. direct c. inverse d. partitive _____4. If a cake recipe uses 20 cups of water for every 8 cups of chocolate and 10 cups of water for 4 cups of chocolate, what kind of proportion is being illustrated? a. combined proportionb. direct proportionc. inverse proportion d. partitive proportion _____5. Which of the following mathematical statements represents the total cost (c) which is directly proportional to the sales revenue (r)? a. k = crb. c = krc. d. _____6. What mathematical statement represents the time (t) travelled which is inversely proportional to the speed (s) of a moving object? a. t = ksb. c. t = ktd. _____7. Which of the following is NOT an example of direct proportion statement? a. b. c. d. _____8. Which of the following problems represents a partitive proportion? a. Divide a 75-m rope into 4 with the ratio 1:2:5:7. What is the measure of each rope? b. The exchange rate of peso to a dollar in 2019 is ₱51.20 to $1. How much will you get for $8.50? c. Three men can complete a project in 6 weeks. How many men will be needed if the project is to be completed in a week? d. When Mrs. Reyes went to abroad for an educational tour, she noticed that each guide goes along with five tourists. If there are 5 guides, how many tourists would they bring around? _____9. Which of the following problems represent an inverse proportion? a. Divide a 75-m rope into 4 with the ratio 1:2:5:7. What is the measure of each rope? b. The exchange rate of peso to a dollar in 2019 is ₱51.20 to $1. How much will you get for $8.50? c. Three men can complete a project in 6 weeks. How many men will be needed if the project is to be completed in a week? d. When Mrs. Reyes went to abroad for an educational tour, she noticed that each guide goes along with five tourists. If there are 5 guides, how many tourists would they bring around? _____10. Which of the following problems DOES NOT belong to the group? a. A government-donated food pack is sufficient to feed 15 persons for 3 days. How many days would it last for 10 persons? b. If 10 tablet-PC cost he number of ₱100,000.00, then how much do 8 tablet-PCs cost? c. How many tea bags (B) are needed to make 10 liters of iced tea when eight tea bags are needed to make 5 liters of iced tea?d. Three boys sold rosary necklaces in the ratio of 2:3:4. Together they sold 225 rosary necklaces. How many rosary necklaces did each boy sell? _____11. The verbal phrase “the ratio of a three and number (x) added to four” is equivalent to which of the following mathematical statements? a. b. 3: x+4c. x = 3+4d. _____ 12. Mr. Ramon allocates his monthly salary for bills, food, transportation, and other expenses at the ratio of 3:3:2:2. If he received ₱28,450.00 last month, which among the mathematical statements represent an answer to solve the various allocations for payment? a. 10x = ₱28,450.00 b. 3x + 3x + 2x + 2x = 28,450.00c. = ₱28,450.00 d. 3x + 3x + 2x + 2x = _____ 13. Junjun will spend ₱5,500.00 for his birthday party if he will invite 15 guests. If the cost is directly proportional to the number of invited guests, how much will it cost is he invites 30 guests? a. ₱11,000.00 b. ₱11,100.00 c. ₱11,150.00 d. ₱11,190.00 _____ 14. If 4 men can do a portion of a job in 9 days, how many men can do the same job in 6 days? a. 5b. 6c. 7 d. 8 _____ 15. If Mang Inasal wants to give ₱10,000 to his four children in the ratio of 1:2:3:4 for their weekend allowance, how much will each of the four children receive? a. ₱450: ₱1,050: ₱1,450: ₱2,050 b. ₱500: ₱1,000: ₱1,250: ₱2,250 c. ₱1,000: ₱2,000: ₱3,000: ₱4,000 d. ₱1,000: ₱2,000: ₱2,500: ₱4,500 ​

1. a








9. a

10. d

11. b





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