Contribution Table

Contribution Table

(Name of Scientist)(Name of Scientist)ContributionContributionDevelopment of thePeriodic Table ofElements(Name of Scientist)(Name of Scientist)ContributionContribution(Name of Scientist)Contribution​

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1. (Name of Scientist)(Name of Scientist)ContributionContributionDevelopment of thePeriodic Table ofElements(Name of Scientist)(Name of Scientist)ContributionContribution(Name of Scientist)Contribution​


In 1862, Alexandre-Emile listed the elements on paper tape and wound them, spiral like, around a cylinder. In 1864, English chemist John Newlands noticed that, if the elements were arranged in order of atomic weight, there was a periodic similarity every 8 elements. In 1869, Lothar Meyer complied a periodic table of 56 elements based on a regular repeating pattern of physical properties such as molar volume. Also in 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev produced a periodic table based on atomic weights but arranged ‘periodically’In 1894, William Ramsay discovered the noble gases and realised that they represented a new group in the periodic table.In 1914, Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each of the known elements. In 1940, Glenn Seaborg artificially produced heavy mass elements such as neptunium



2. Scientists periodic table contribution in 1940


History - 1940

Glenn Seaborg synthesised transuranic elements (the elements after uranium in the periodic table).


3. Scientist who contributed to the periodic table

Mendeleev ung isa dun,

4. Period of timeName of ScientistContribution to the periodictable of Elements​

Answer:In 1869 Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started the development of the periodic table, arranging chemical elements by atomic mass. He predicted the discovery of other elements, and left spaces open in his periodic table for them.Explanation:sana makatulong po

5. scientists who contributed in the creation periodic table ​


Antoine Lavoisier, Johann Wolfang Döbereiner, John Newlands, and Henry Moseley.


Among the scientists who worked to created a table of the elements were, from left, Antoine Lavoisier, Johann Wolfang Döbereiner, John Newlands and Henry Moseley. In 1789, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier tried grouping the elements as metals and nonmetals

6. Compare the contribution of periodic table of elements.


Compare the contribution of periodic table of elements.

7. what was Dmitri mendeleev's contribution to the periodic table of elements?​


Mendeleev ordered his elements in order of their relative atomic mass, and this gave him some problems.  Using atomic number instead of atomic mass as the organizing principle was first proposed by the British chemist Henry Moseley in 1913, and it solved anomalies like this one. Mendeleev is best known for his discovery of the periodic law, which he introduced in 1869, and for his formulation of the periodic table of elements.



8. describe the contribution of scientist in the development of the periodic table of elements​


In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created the framework that became the modern periodic table, leaving gaps for elements that were yet to be discovered. While arranging the elements according to their atomic weight, if he found that they did not fit into the group he would rearrange them.



9. What is the contribution of Henrey moseley in the completion of the period table of elements​

➤ Answer

Henry Moseley (1887-1915), an English physicist, showed that there was periodicity which is a function of the atomic number rather than mass number. The present table used today is now constructed and was credited for Moseley’s work. It used a basis for arranging elements and the periodic law being stated as; the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of the atomic number. This periodic recurrence of properties is emphasized by arranging the elements in a table such that elements with similar properties are arranged in a column.


#LetsLearn #BeBrainly

10. How is the contribution of the scientist important in the development of periodic table of the elements

The scientist contribution is important in development of the periodic table by addin more elements and experimenting more on the unknown elements

11. What is the contribution of John Dalton to the Periodic Table of Elements?


Dalton was an English chemist, meteorologist and physicist who developed blindness and the atomic theory. Discovered a way to find the atomic weight of elements namely Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon and Sulfur. He also developed Dalton's Law which is the law of partial pressure.


Dalton was an English chemist, meteorologist, and physicist who developed blindness and the atomic theory. Discovered a way to find the atomic weight of elements namely Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon, and Sulfur. He also developed Dalton's Law which is the law of partial pressures.

12. How did John Newlands contribute to the development of the periodic table?


An English scientist called John Newlands put forward his Law of Octaves in 1864. He arranged all the elements known at the time into a table in order of relative atomic mass. When he did this, he found a pattern among the early elements. ... He then put the similar elements into vertical columns, known as groups.


hope it helps ☺️

13. how can table tennis contribute to a healthier and fit body​


When played regularly it improves reflexes, hand-eye coordination and balance, while toning and strengthening the core muscles, upper and lower body. It's great for working up a sweat and increasing your heart rate, thus helping to keep your heart strong and healthy.


It's easy on the joints, It burns calories, It's a social sport, It keeps your brain sharp.

Table tennis is utilized a treatment for dementia.

14. familiarize the different contributions of scientists in developing the periodic table of elements ​


Dimitri Mendeleev developed the periodic elements by atom masses, and left some space for future discoveries some of scientists also grouped periodic table by radioactivity, metals, non metals or chemical and physical elements.

15. Complete the table below by writing the Greek philosophers contribution. How these contributions applied in your life .I need help po​



16. identify some animals that contribute to the weathering of rocks.complete the table below


Burrowing animals, like moles and rabbits dig holes that expose new rocks to the effects of weathering. The holes allow water and other weathering agents to reach the rock layer that had been covered by the soil.

17. Who are the other scientists that contributed to periodic table?


Among the scientists who worked to created a table of the elements were, from left, Antoine Lavoisier, Johann Wolfang Döbereiner, John Newlands and Henry Moseley.


18. how can table tennis contribute to a healthier and fit body​


When played regularly it improves reflexes, hand-eye coordination and balance, while toning and strengthening the core muscles, upper and lower body. It's great for working up a sweat and increasing your heart rate, thus helping to keep your heart strong and healthy.


is a very important and challenging and rewarding experience role in a leading fashion organisation in based area with experience in building management and

19. person who contribute the arrangement of elements in periodic table​


Dimitri Mendeleev


He was the chemist who arranged period table od elements

20. what is the Contribution of Ramsay in the development of periodic table?​


Winner of the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Ramsay helped establish the noble gases as a new group in the periodic table. He first discovered argon and then helium, followed by the other noble gases.


make me brainlest at pa follow nalng den

21. 1. The modern periodic table, as seen above, is a product of the development of the ideas from these three scientists. Fill in the flow chart below to follow the development of the periodic table. X John Newlands • Contribution: • Contribution: • Contribution: Johann Dobereiner Dmitri Mendeleev 2. Differentiate a group and a period. How many groups are there in the periodic table? How many periods?


1. John Newlands - arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights & observed similarities between some elements (Law of Octaves)

  Johann Dobereiner - developed groups of 3 elements with similar properties (Law of Triads)

  Dmitri Mendeleev - arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass while putting in groups those with similar properties

2. Group/Families - the vertical columns on the Periodic Table. There are eight groups in the Periodic Table.

    Period - the horizontal row of the Periodic Table. There are seven periods in the Periodic Table, with each one beginning at the far left.

22. the factors that contribute to the reformation or light penetration ____ is table salinity and ____.​


The factors that contribute to the reef formation are light penetration Temperature , stable salinity and Water Movement.


23. what is the importance of the contribution of the of the early scientist in the development of the periodic table​

The early scientists made significant contributions to the development of the periodic table, and their work remains important today for several reasons:

Classification of Elements: The early scientists were the first to recognize that certain elements had similar properties, and they worked to classify these elements based on their properties. This led to the development of the periodic table, which organized elements based on their atomic structure and chemical properties.

Prediction of New Elements: By studying the periodic table, early scientists were able to predict the existence of new elements that had not yet been discovered. This helped to expand our understanding of the natural world and led to the discovery of new elements over time.

Development of Chemical Reactions: The periodic table has played an important role in the development of chemical reactions and the synthesis of new compounds. Scientists have been able to use the periodic table to determine which elements will react with one another and in what ways, leading to the creation of new compounds with a wide range of uses.

Understanding of Atomic Structure: The periodic table has also helped scientists to better understand the structure of atoms and how they interact with one another. This has led to the development of new technologies such as nuclear power and advances in fields such as medicine and materials science.

In conclusion, the contributions of early scientists to the development of the periodic table have been important for the advancement of science and technology. The periodic table has allowed us to classify and predict the behavior of elements, develop new chemical reactions and compounds, and deepen our understanding of atomic structure.

24. Johann dobereiner contribution to the periodic table

Johan Dobereiner is a German chemist who formed the triads of elements with similar properties like the triad of calcium, barium, and strontium.

25. what did Dmitri Mendeleev contribute to the periodic table?

He is considered to be the most important contributor to the development of the periodic table. His version of the periodic table organized elements into rows according to their atomic mass and into columns based on chemical and physical properties.

Mendeleev ordered his elements in order of their relative atomic mass, and this gave him some problems.  Using atomic number instead of atomic mass as the organizing principle was first proposed by the British chemist Henry Moseley in 1913, and it solved anomalies like this one.Mendeleev is best known for his discovery of the periodic law, which he introduced in 1869, and for his formulation of the periodic table of elements.

I hope I can help you in my answer☺☺☺

26. create a reflection table of contributions in the needs of oneself, others and the community.​


Ways to Help Your Community

Volunteer. Participating in volunteering activities is one of the most fulfilling ways to help the

community. ...

Clean Up Your Neighborhood. By picking up trash and doing some yard work, you can make your area a more pleasant place to live. ... Help Your Neighbors. ...

Donate Stuff. ... Money Donations.


pa brainliest po

27. What is the contribution of John Newlands to the Periodic Table of Elements?


John Newlands put forward his law of octaves in 1864 in which he arranged all the elements known at the time into a table in order of relative atomic mass. When he did this, he found that each element was similar to the element eight places further on.


John Newlands put forward his law of octaves in 1864 in which he arranged all the elements known at the time into a table in order of relative atomic mass. When he did this, he found that each element was similar to the element eight places further on.

28. what was henry cavendish contribution to the periodic tables


He described the density of inflammable air, which formed water on combustion


pa brainliest thank you

29. Give two scientists with their contribution in the Periodic Table of Elements. Explain why you believe or not to their contribution​


the two scientist develop periodic table of element is they John Newlands and Dimitri Mendeleev


because 1863 english chemist John newlands divided the then discovered 56 elements into 11 groups and in 1869 Russian chemist dimitri mendeleev started the development of the periodic table.

30. list all the sciencetis who contributed to the development of the periodic table​


Among the scientists who worked to created a table of the elements were, from left, Antoine Lavoisier, Johann Wolfang Döbereiner, John Newlands and Henry Moseley. In 1789, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier tried grouping the elements as metals and nonmetals.


that's what I know..paki follow I will follow you back


The history of the periodic table reflects over two centuries of growth in the understanding of the chemical and physical properties of the elements, with major contributions made by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner, John Newlands, Julius Lothar Meyer, Dmitri Mendeleev, Glenn T.

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