Bisaya Funny Quotes About Self

Bisaya Funny Quotes About Self

quotes about self motivation​

Daftar Isi

1. quotes about self motivation​


"Never let your negativity and sadness eat your heart and mind. Always look at the brightest side of life to see the success and happiness of life."

2. quotes about Spiritual Self​


Here are some quotes about spiritual self:

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes." - William James

"Spiritual growth is a process of letting go of fear and the love of power, and replacing them with the power of love." - Marianne Williamson

"The spiritual journey is not about finding ourselves; it's about creating ourselves anew." - Stephen Levine

"The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love." - Marianne Williamson

"To be spiritual is to be constantly open to growth, learning, and transformation." - Oprah Winfrey

"The spiritual path is a journey of awakening to the truth of who we are." - Eckhart Tolle

"The spiritual path is not about reaching a destination, but about becoming fully present in the journey." - Jack Kornfield

"The spiritual journey is not a solo endeavor; it's a community experience." - Ram Dass

"The spiritual journey is a lifelong process of self-discovery and transformation." - Deepak Chopra

"The spiritual journey is the journey of becoming fully alive and fully human." - Parker J. Palmer


Don't stress yourself too much. Focus on yourself and let God allow everything to happen. Trust the process, don't rush.

3. What is your insight about the quotes? Self Dicipline​


making good and kind to other people and be friendly and dont make a desicion that can male your life harder

4. please give me 10 funny or witty quotes (In English)​

please give me 10 funny or witty quotes (In


Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.

Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.

What's another word for Thesaurus?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.

Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

Sana po maka tulong☺️

5. RESPONSES IN SENTENCE FORM 1. You begin talking to your mother, telling her about a funny experience you had in school. 2. You begin talking to the charger of your self android phone,Telling it about a funny experience you had in school.

answer1. Talk about everyday stuff. Make it a habit to talk to your parent about regular things from your day. Share what goes well for you. Tell them about a good part of your day, a grade you're proud of, or a funny joke a friend told you. Talking helps you be close and enjoy each other more. That way, when you need to talk about a problem you’re having, it’s easier. mo

2. You might find it helps to create an agreement that both you and your child sign. You could make this part of a family media plan covering all types of devices and media use. If you choose to have a formal agreement, it’s a good idea to revise it together regularly to make sure it still meets your needs and your child’s needs as they get older.


pa brainlest Po plssssss

6. For you what is the best quote in terms of boosting one's self-esteem?​


I think the best quote for boosting one's self-esteem is

"You have always been enough"

7. Give me at least 3 quotes about Arts, with explanation. Self-made art quotation. ​


Art is an Honor,It takes a lot Time but in the Final Time you receive more what you Expect.Life is unfair..Art is the one of your stress reliver to make the World Fair.Art says what's in your Mind and also Tells who you are.


Art gives us Joy,Love,Patient and importance of every living..

AT YOUR SERVICE.~alexlleane®

8. quotes about failure? please say the quote with tagalog language.​


Kung ikaw ay may problema , nandito lang ako Palaging handa solusyonan ang iyong problema".

9. What is your understanding about the quote "our sexual self is a complex combination of our social, cultural, and, biological inheritance​


"Sexual self is a complex combination of our social, cultural, and biological inheritance for Sexual self-concept refers to the totality of oneself as a sexual being, including positive and negative concepts and feelings. Sexual self is the most crucial aspects of human development. Sexual self is highlighted and composed of the biology of oneself, it includes sexual identity and gender roles, and the consequences of sexual choices. It involves  biological and environmental factors that shape sexual development therefore it is indeed a combination of social, cultural and biological aspects.



10. Explanation of the quote " The self cannot be a self without other selves"

That’s right because ourself helps ourself o pertain everything thru our challenges and more adventures to come not just in life but in our persecution also. We have the ability to re-arranged ourself to be active and not to be dangerous be more friendly and help ur self out thru things that u know u cannot do

11. Bisaya na take care of your self don't missed for your meal​


kaon kana nahidlaw ko simo


im not sure


pag-amping sa imong kaugalingon ayaw mingawon alang sa imong



Hope It Helps

Stay Safe And Healthy

God Bless

12. self reflection about the quote ''Excellence is the result of habitual integrity''


Being completely honest with other people and with yourself deserves respect. Not only are you respectful with others and with yourself but you also become a role model for other people. Some may look up to you because of the way you act towards other people. Some may even correct their own wrongs because of the way you correct them...

13. Self-knowledge is the ultimate virtue it will lead to ultimate hapiness meaning Socrates quotes​


read books ka nlng boiiii

14. Give Eleven Quotes about wisdom and knowledge. It should be self-made and not copied from the internet.


1. Doubt is the origin of wisdom.

2. Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.

3. The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.

4. Foolishness is a twin sister of wisdom.

5. Knowledge is power.

6. The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.

7. To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

8. KNOWLEDGE is knowing what to say WISDOM is knowing when to say it

9. Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living.

10. Knowledge is being aware of what you CAN DO. Wisdom is knowing when NOT to do.

11. Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future.

15. write a pick up lines joke about planet earth in the box provided. it should be funny, corny jokes will not be entertained. it could be in english, tagalog or bisaya. ​


If i'm the earth, you're the sun because i cant live without u  



16. Write a 5-10 reflection about the quote. "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."


If you want to attain success in your life, you should be self-confident enough; that you are sure and certain of things you do. People often fail to succeed in their lives only because they aren’t confident about themselves. They aren’t confident of themselves and are neither sure of all that they would do! If you are confident about what you are doing, you are sure to succeed in your life. Self-confidence is the key to remain successful in life. When you are certain of what you are doing, confidence is sure to come within you and that will help you do things even better. However, this confidence isn’t going to come in you overnight. The moment you have been doing things for quite a long time, and you are aware of the ins and outs, the tasks will get easier for you that will eventually make you do things with confidence.

17. What is your understanding about the quote "our sexual self is a complex combination of our social, cultural, and, biological inheritance.​


"Sexual self is a complex combination of our social, cultural, and biological inheritance for Sexual self-concept refers to the totality of oneself as a sexual being, including positive and negative concepts and feelings. Sexual self is the most crucial aspects of human development. Sexual self is highlighted and composed of the biology of oneself, it includes sexual identity and gender roles, and the consequences of sexual choices. It involves  biological and environmental factors that shape sexual development therefore it is indeed a combination of social, cultural and biological aspects.



18. "Not only the self is entwined in society, it owes society its existence in the most literal sense" Give your opinion about this quote from Theodor Adorno​




It states that yourself has it own existence in the society, therefore society makes the person move because society brings the person on how to live in day to day basis. It makes sense.

19. What have you learned and realized from the lessons in "Self-Development"? How are you going to apply these learnings in your daily life?


“Personal Development covers activities that improves awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhances the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

20. self motivation quote with explanation and family quote with explanation ​


Ayan napo


Pa Brainliest po ty

21. Have a quote that will summarize you self as a whole.​

“ No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person.


Quote~If you desire to make a different in the world,you must be different from the world


Pa Brainliest!huhu


22. funny story about science​


of course so funny and beat pag tinawag


funny science story

when you learn every thing in science but you actually don't need them in your intere life

23. Explain the quote "Science is a old as the world it self?​


“The real value of science is in the getting, and those who have tasted the pleasure of discovery alone know what science is. A problem solved is dead. A world without problems to be solved would be devoid of science.” “The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts.


i hope its help

24. Can anyone give me some about self love quotes?No hates :)​

God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.”

– William Shakespeare


Age doesn't matter

yan yung linyahan ng mga college na elementary lang ang peg

25. 3 Quotes about life.2 Quotes about Family.1 Quote about nature(This is important please dont use this for free answer!)​


Quotes about life.

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

“ Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.”

“ Get busy living or get busy dying.”

Quotes about Family.

"Other things may changes us, but we start and end with the family."

"Having someone to love is family."

Quotes about nature

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect.


3 Quotes about life.

• The purpose of our lives is to be happy

• Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

• Your only live once, but if you do it right,once is enough

2 Quotes about Family.

•The most important thing in the world is family and love.

• Family means putting your arms around each other and being there.

1 Quote about nature

•Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better


Hope it help

26. Funny survey questions about achitecture


There is a bridge in Lima, Peru that was built around 1610 and is still standing, remarkably, its mortar was mixed using 10,000 egg whites instead of water. Unsurprisingly, it is known as the 'Bridge of Eggs'. Architecture was once an Olympic Sport

l hope it's help

27. English learning quoted motivation and self-efficacy of grade 11 Humss learners.​



English is a Germanic language of the Indo-European language family. English is named after the Places, one of the old-fashioned Germanic social classes. English has transformed into the primary language of overall talk and the most generally involved language in various regions and master settings like science, course and guideline.


Current English has been spreading all around the planet since the seventeenth century by the general effect of the English Space and the US.  

English is the most conveyed in language on earth and the third-most imparted in neighborhood language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish.It is the most extensively insightful second language and is either the power language or one of the power lingos in pretty much 60 sovereign states. There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are neighborhood speakers. Beginning at 2005, it was surveyed that there were north of 2 billion speakers of English.

English is the larger part neighborhood language in the Bound together Domain, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland, a power language and the essential language of Singapore, and it is for the most part spoken in specific locale of the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is a co-official language of the Collected Nations, the European Affiliation and various other world and commonplace overall affiliations. It is the most comprehensively conveyed in Germanic language, addressing fundamentally 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch. English speakers are assigned "Anglophones". There is a ton of alterability among the many accents and vernaculars of English used in different countries and regions to the extent that phonetics and phonology, and a portion of the time in like manner language, idioms, accentuation, and spelling, but it doesn't typically hinder understanding by speakers of various tongues and accents, but shared disarray can occur at preposterous terminations of the dialect continuum.

Read more about why is it that english is the universal language:


28. self control in bisaya meaning​

ang katakus sa pagpugong sa kaugalingon, labi na ang mga emosyon ug mga pangandoy sa usa ka tawo o ang pagpahayag niini sa batasan sa usa ka tawo, labi na sa lisud nga mga kahimtang.

29. Who is the author of this famous self quote, “Knowing your self is the beginning ofall wisdom"?​




he was a Greek philosopher




Everything you want to know starts with you. It's like when you refuse to look at yourself in the mirror you might lose your hopes and dreams.

30. QUOTE: "You do not have the right to take another humans life, unless its strict self defense." QUESTION: 1. What is your stand about this quote? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why? 2. In a criminal case, when can you say that the verdict should be just purely self-defense?


this question have 3. 4. 5. or no


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